African Climate Change Experts

Dr. KORAHIRÉ POUAHOULABOU JOEL AWOUHIDIA Directeur de la coordination des conventions internationales Secretariat Permanent du Conseil National pour le D‚veloppement Durable (SP/CNDD) ÿ Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Dr. KORAHIRÉ POUAHOULABOU JOEL AWOUHIDIA Directeur de la coordination des conventions internationales Secretariat Permanent du Conseil National pour le D‚veloppement Durable (SP/CNDD) ÿ Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Prof. Driss ZEJLI Professor Other Energy, Green Economy, Mitigation, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Francis Olivier CUBAHIRO Director of ICT Infrastructures (ICT green standards oriented)/ ICT & sustainable development Observer/ United 4 Smart Sustainable Cities (taking part of it as an expert) Other Infrastructure, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Ms. Khady Sako Loum Responsable des Masters à l'Université Euro Afrique de Dakar UNFPA Communities / Civil society
Dr. Bob Alex Ogwang Long Range Forecasting Expert ACMAD Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mrs. Patience Damptey Consultant African Group of Negotiators Adaptation / Climate resilience, Gender
Mr. Happison Chikova Director Help Initiatives for People Organisation Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. David Tenywa Senior Education Officer Bugiri District Local Government Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Gender, Green Economy, Mitigation, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Alioune BADIANE President Urban Think Tank Africa Urban planning
Mrs. Martha Onose Executive Director Community Empowerment and Development Initiative Climate Justice, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Gender
Ms. Velma Oseko Project Coordinator SusWatch Kenya Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Dr. Seydou TRAORE Agrometerologist AGRHYMET Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Dr. Solomon Mombeshora Director, Quality Assurance, Research & Postgraduate Centre Women's University in Africa Sustainable Development
Mr. Bocar DIALLO Startuper and student at Dakar / Montreal Other Technology and Innovations
Mr. Edward Paul Munaaba Executive Director AFRICA PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE COALITION Adaptation / Climate resilience, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Hon. Mogueya Sid Ahmed Député Professor or Medecine Africa Health, Human and Social Development (Afri-Dev) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Gender, Sustainable Development
Dr. Priscilla Mbarumun Achakpa Executive Director Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Energy, Gender
Mr. Fernando Tavares Caniua Staff officer Ministry of Environment Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mrs. Glory Amarachi Brendan-Otuojor Chief Executive Officer Development Impact Pathfinders Initiative Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Richard Ogutu-Ohwayo Principal Research Officer GOVERNMENT Natural Resource Management
Mr. Abdulkadir Abdulle Director of Renewable Energy Department Miistry of Water, Irregation and Electricity Energy
Mr. Greg Benchwick Senior Communications Specialist UNDP United Nations Development Programme Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communication
Prof. Nzioka Muthama Deputy Director, Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies University of Nairobi Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Science, Meteorology, Sustainable Development
Mr. Komlan NOUWOSSAN Inspecteur de l'enseignement secondaire,chargé des mathématiques UNION NATIONALE DES SYNDICATS INDPENDANTS DU TOGO (UNSIT) Sustainable Development
Mr. John Terzungwe Baaki Programme Manager Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Gender, Mitigation
Mr. Brian Okoth Advisor to the Board Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Energy, Natural Resource Management
Mr. Cliff Gai Senior Programme Officer Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Gender, Mitigation, Programme Management
Mr. Pierre TRAORE Financier Comptable CSI Afrique Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance
Mr. Tichaona Ignatius Dzingirai Development Manager Private consultant Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Energy, Sustainable Development
Dr. Mahaman Salissou EL HADJI ADAM Directeur de la Prospective MINISTERE DU PLAN Economic affairs, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Violet Nakamba Mengo Journalist Zambia Daily Mail Agriculture, Climate Science, Communication
Mr. TINNI HALIDOU SEYDOU Expert Meteorologist/Climatologist AGRHYMET Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Research, Climate Science, Meteorology
Prof. Godwell Nhamo Chief Researcher and Exxaro Chair in Business & Climate Change UNISA Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Gender, Green Economy, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Dr. Meaghan Daly Assistant Professor Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Sustainable Development
Dr. Noah Pauline Lecturer University of Dar es Salaam Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance
Dr. Aboua Gustave ABOUA DIRECTOR GENERAL Ministere Environnement et D‚veloppement Durable Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. PIUS AGAJI OKO Programmes Assistant Climate and Sustainable Development Network Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Habib Ahmed DJIGA Conseiller juridique MinistŠre des Mines et de l?‚nergie Energy
Mr. Premchand Goolaup Director, Mauritius Meteorological Services Meteorological Services Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. Aston Nyongesa Researcher/Statistician Kenya Meteorological Service Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Green Economy, Hydrology, Meteorology, Mitigation, Sustainable Development
Prof. Abou KANE Professeur of Economics Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, SENEGAL Agriculture, Climate Finance, Economic affairs, Energy, Gender, Green Economy, Infrastructure, Land use, Sustainable Development
Mr. Appolinaire DINGHA COUNCELLOR AT CONGO MISSION TO UN Ministry of Foreign Affairs Blue economy
Mr. Manase Elisa Researcher Tanzania National Parks Climate Policy and Governance, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Mr. Henry Oriokot Programmes Director REGIONAL CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION.(RCIDC) Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Gender, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management
Mrs. Kongo BABA National Coordinator for Cashew developpement in Mali Agriculture Transformation Agency Climate Justice
Mr. Rene Anthony Gomez Development Planner Other Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Gender, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Dr. Dossè Mawussi DJAHINI-AFAWOUBO Lecturer The University of Lome Adaptation / Climate resilience
Dr. Ayman Elshayeb Environmental Microbiologist University of Khartoum Agriculture, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Prof. samuel agele lecturer/researcher Federal University of Technology Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Mr. Francis Kaifala S/Leone Consortium for climate change and SD Climate Policy and Governance
Ms. Sarah Elshemouty Economist MinistŠre du plan, de l'‚conomie et de la coop‚ration internationale Sustainable Development
Dr. Daou ibrahima Assistant professor Other Land use
Ms. Susy Ngaina University of Nairobi Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Gender
Ms. Pamela Kaithuru Principle Meteorological Technologist Circle Time Initiative Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance
Ms. Hellen Msemo Manager Network Operations and Head Public Weather Services Tanzania Meteorological Agency Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Other Lewis Makurumure National cordinator Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Emissions, Energy
Mr. Sena ALOUKA International Director Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Mohamed Elmi Ayeh President Civil Society Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Justice, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Gender, Green Economy, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Mário Batista CAMALA Environmental Lawyer Young African lawyers Climate Policy and Governance
Dr. Joshua Ngaina Lecturer Uganda Mission, New York Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Meteorology
Dr. Isilda Nhantumbo International Institute for Environment and Development Climate Finance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. Alessandra Casazza SDG Advisor for sub-Saharan Africa UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UNDP) Sustainable Development
Mr. Teslima Jallow Operations officer Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations, Urban planning
Mr. TADONG SAA jules Leonel Chief of Service Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resoruces & Enviroment Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. RATOVOSON Harisson John Frédéric Director of operations MinistŠre de I?Energie et des Hydrocarbures Energy
Dr. OUEDRAOGO SOULEYMANE Directeur General AGRHYMET Regional Center Agriculture
Mr. Pierre JULLIEN Director and Representative UNOPS Programme Management
Mr. Appolinaire ZAGABE KAMANYULA Executive Director DR.Congo Climate Change Network Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Garane Jacque Ali Météorologiste à la retraite Direction G‚n‚rale de la m‚t‚orologie Climate Information Services, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. KABENGELA NYAMABU HUBERT Climate Expert ACMAD Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. Ciza Bonne Project assistant Health Healing Network Burundi(HHNB) Communities / Civil society, Sustainable Development
Ms. Liz Carlile Director of Communications International Institute for Environment and Development Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Kelvin Iorundu Uever Managing Partner Action for Integrated and Sustainable Development Agriculture
Mr. Maesela John Kekana Chief Director: International Climate Change Relations & Negotiations Department of Environmental Affairs NDCs / Paris Agreement
Prof. Meen Poudyal Chhetri President Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. Clement Tikiwa Chief Environmental Officer (Information, Education and Outreach) Achourouq Daily Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Ms. Therese ISSEKI Journalist/correspodnent PANAPRESS Agency Communication
Dr. Abiodun Elijah Obayelu Teaching, Research and Community Service Federal University of Agriculture Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Land use, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. EMMANUEL SECK PROGRAMME MANAGER ENDA Energie-Environnement-D‚veloppement Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Energy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Land use, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Prof. Weston Mwase PROFESSOR OF FOREST SCIENCES Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. NENE FATOU MARICOU President Yout women for action Sustainable Development
Mr. Konan Raoul KOUAME Project Coordinator, Climate Change Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Ibrahim Issoufou Ibrahim Chef de la division ODD MINISTERE DU PLAN Sustainable Development
Mr. muma kabaso Director Other Energy
Hon. Mrs Fatou K. Jawara HONOURABLE PARLIAMENT Communities / Civil society, Gender
Mrs. Ndèye Fatou Mbenda SARR head of engineering department for territorial development Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy Program Natural Resource Management
Prof. Cheikh Mbow Executive Director START Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Climate Science, Emissions, Forestry, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Ellen Dzah ABANTU for Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Energy, Gender
Ms. Eunice Kilonzo Communications Officer CFI Group Communication, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Dr. Chux Daniels Research Fellow in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy University of Sussex Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Energy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mrs. Pauline Lambou epse Ngouanfouo Founder and CEO African Forest Forum (AFF) Gender, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Ms. Mercy Adundo Film Producer & Video/Sound Editor Mediae UK Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Mrs. Merveille Tawab Programme officer Civil Society Climate Justice, Communities / Civil society, Gender
Dr. Joseph Mukabana Director Offices for Africa and Least developed Countries & AMCOMET Secretariat WMO Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Emissions, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Rose Oluoch Governance and Partnership Advisor SDG Forum Kenya Sustainable Development
Prof. Bartholomew Armah Chief, Development Planning United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research
Mr. Wamba André Le Doux Association AFVMC-Aide aux Familles et Victimes des Migrations Clandestines ( ) Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Gender, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Dr. Seydina O Sene sene senior economist Africa Climate and Sustainable Development Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance
