African Climate Change Experts

Dr. FOWE TAZEN Hydroclimatology International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Hydrology, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Surafel Mamo Woldegebrael Hydrologis/ Water Resource Modeler PhD candidate Hydrology
Dr. Kouakou Bernard DJE Climatology and Applied meteorology Direction de la m‚t‚orologie nationale Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Catherine LALYRE Training Officer United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Mthobisi Nxumalo Senior Scientist: Climate Information South African Weather Service Climate Research, Climate Science, Hydrology, Meteorology
Mr. Arison TAMFU Journalist Pan African Media Alliance for Climate Change Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communication, Energy, Mitigation
Prof. Julius M. Huho Associate Professor of Geography GOVERNMENT Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Green Economy
Mr. VIRIATO LUÍS SOARES CASSAMÁ General Director of Environment GOVERNMENT Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. ABIY GOSHU Advisory Member United Nations Youth Advisory Board Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Infrastructure, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Mr. Suliman Mohamed Director of DRR Other Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Green Economy
Dr. Melis Ece Part-time Lecturer Other Climate Justice, Communities / Civil society, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. MICHAEL MAKONOMBERA DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Department of Environmental Affairs Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Natural Resource Management
Mr. Papa Lamine DIOUF In charge of mitigation programs on climate change Division/Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classés Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Emissions, Energy, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Technology and Innovations
Mrs. Charlotte Remteng Fomum Research Fellow African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Gender, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Richard Munang Climate Change and Development Policy Expert Un Environment Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Energy, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Rasha Adam Deupty Director of Biotechnology and Biosaftey Research Center, Research assisstant professor S/Leone Consortium for climate change and SD Agriculture
Mr. Asalfew Nigussie Director,meteorologist National Meteorological Agency Climate Science
Mr. Do Etienne TRAORE National Focal Point of UNFCCC Secretariat Permanent du Conseil National pour le D‚veloppement Durable (SP/CNDD) ÿ Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance
Dr. Sacko Modibo Minister's Technical Advisor Minister of Water, Environment and Climate NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mrs. JULIENNE NGO LIBAM NSOGA Administrateur Civil Action Professionals Association for the People Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Sustainable Development
Mrs. JULIENNE NGO LIBAM NSOGA Administrateur Civil Action Professionals Association for the People Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Sustainable Development
Mr. Lamah Pierre Sustainable Development Action for Integrated and Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
Mr. Omer Ahmed Managing Director Ifriqiyah Media and Communications Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Justice, Communication, Green Economy
Mrs. MARIE LOUISE ANSIMB Chief of Service Ministry of Finance Economic affairs, Gender, Sustainable Development
Mr. Paul Mbuthi Senior Assistant Director of Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy Climate Science, Energy, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Mr. Oumarou Manou MAHAMADOU Other Communities / Civil society
Mr. PHOLO MVUMBI ROGER COMMUNICATION IN CHARGE ASSOCIATION POUR LA PROTECTION ET LA DEFENSE DE LA FORET DU MAYOMBE Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Justice, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Forestry, Green Economy
Mr. Salim HANNANE Technical Advisor in Environmental Management and climate change GIZ Climate Policy and Governance, Technology and Innovations, Transport and mobility
Mr. NOAH ZIMBA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Other Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Mohamadou Bassirou Diop Chercheur Other Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Energy, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Transport and mobility, Urban planning
Mr. charles omanga legal officer Other Climate Justice, Green Economy, Sustainable Development
Mrs. STEPHANIE AUDREY FRANCOISE RENAUT lawyer HEAD OF NATIONAL COOPERATION OFFICE MINISTRY OF FINANCES Minister for Finance and Development Planning, Disaster Mgmt. Authority Blue economy
Mr. GBAGODO Bruno Serge African Instiute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) Energy, Information Management / Knowledge Management
Mr. Mokshanand Dowarkasing Global Strategist South - Greenpeace International Greenpeace Transport and mobility
Mr. Mustapha Mensah Senior Research Analyst University of Ghana Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Energy, Green Economy, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Thérèse Flaviane TONFACK KENFACK épse BELVAL Disaster Risk Management & Climate Change Specialist Economic Community of Central African States Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. Helder Malauene Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Communication, Communities / Civil society, Programme Management
Mr. KOMLAN MESSIE GENERAL SECRETARY West African Civil Society Forum Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Hydrology, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations, Transport and mobility, Urban planning
Mr. Mohamed Ayib Daffé Consultant en droit et politiques de l'environnement Chercheur Univesity Cheikh Anta Diop- Dakar Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Energy
Prof. Ibrahim Abdel Gelil Consultant Forum arabe pour l?environnement et le d‚veloppement (AFED) Climate Policy and Governance, Energy, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Dr. ARONA DIEDHIOU Research Director IRD Climate Research, Climate Science
Ms. Monia BRAHAM HEAD OF INVESTMENT POLICIES AND REFORMS Adaptation Consortium (AC) Climate Finance
Ms. Hermella Ababu Addis Ababa University (AAU) Climate Science, Communication, Gender, Sustainable Development
Mr. Sessi Gilles Christian ADJAHOSSOU Coordonnateur de Projet Aazaim environnement developpement Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Mpfunzeni Tshindane Project Officer SANBI Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Natural Resource Management
Mr. MAKIMOUHA Edmond Point Focal pour la RRC et Coordonnateur du Centre de Prévention et de Gestion des Risques de Catastrophe Ministere Environnement et D‚veloppement Durable Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Prof. Wadjamsse Beaudelaire DJEZOU Lecturer and researcher University of Alassane Ouattara Agriculture, Blue economy, Energy, Forestry, Green Economy, Land use, Natural Resource Management
Mr. ANTHONY WOLIMBWA Technical Advisor - Capacity Building Climate Change Network Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management
Mr. arnaud ntieshe nfonka Planning Officer Other Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. ABEL MUSUMALI Regional Coordinator/Climate Policy Analyst Eastern and Southern Africa Youth Climate Change Alliance Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Forestry, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Mr. Nkululeko Chunky Phiri Outreach & Communications Specialist ResourceAfrica Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management
Mr. Titus Ng'andu Regional Coordinator Office of the Vice President, National Disaster Management Agency Adaptation / Climate resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Ms. Elke Westenberger Conseillère technique GIZ Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management
Ms. Janet Naisoi Mashara TUTORIAL FELLOW Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Gender
Mrs. Barbara Nakangu Bugembe PhD fellow Makerere University Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Jean Baptiste Nsengiyumva Director of Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness/ National DRRM Focal Point Ministry for Disaster Management and Refugees Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. João Mayele Sengele Mr. FONGA Forestry
Mr. Emmanuel GUEMENE DOUNTIO Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation Adaptation / Climate resilience, Energy, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Munyaradzi Davis Shekede Lecturer University of Zimbabwe Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Land use, Natural Resource Management
Mr. PATRICK KANGWA Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Mr. Leulseged Yirgu Project Coordinator Other Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. GUENEFIO Cyriaque Director Action for Integrated and Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
Mr. Alemu Addisu Lecturer Environment, Forest & Climate Change Climate Research
Mrs. Eyerusalem Amare Wolde Doctoral Student and Teaching Assistant University of Kwazulu-Natal Gender, Land use, Sustainable Development
Dr. Paul Owombo Agricultural and Forest Economist Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Adaptation / Climate resilience, Green Economy
Mr. KINGORI ZACHARIA IRUNGU INFRASTRUCTURE EXPERT Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Blue economy, Economic affairs, Energy, Green Economy, Infrastructure, Sustainable Development, Transport and mobility, Urban planning
Mr. Dossou BANKA Legal Expert Climate and Development Policy Young African lawyers Climate Policy and Governance
Prof. Tesfaye Tafesse Professor Doctor Addis Ababa University (AAU) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Green Economy, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Transport and mobility
Dr. FRANCIS OPIYO Programme Policy Specialist WFP Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Land use, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management
Prof. Absalom Manyatsi Professor university of Swaziland Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Mr. Isaiah Esipisu Journalist Pan African Media Alliance for Climate Change Communication
Mrs. Hannah Kasongo-Siame Environmental Officer responsible for Climate Change Environmental Affairs Emissions, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Prof. Reuben MJ Kadigi Associate Professor Sokoine University of Agriculture Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Ms. Ibitein Fiberesima Program Officer Education as a Vaccine Gender
Ms. Amina Yusuf Kashoro Project Coordinator Other Climate Finance, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Transport and mobility
Mr. Hassan AGOUZOUL Senior expert at Economic social and environmental Council of Morocco Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Science, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations, Transport and mobility, Urban planning
Dr. JOHNSON BOANUH DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENT Economic Community of West African States Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Dr. Claudia Sadoff Director General Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Sustainable Development
Dr. Lieven Claessens Farming Systems Specialist International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Moris Mwaura Architect Kenya Youth Climate Network Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy
Mrs. Letty Chiwara Representative to Ethiopia, AUC and ECA UN Women Agriculture, Economic affairs, Energy, Gender, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Ms. Nolwazi Khumalo Energy Officer Energy Officer, Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy Energy
Mr. Didace Musoni Division Manager Climate Affairs Expert Climate Information Services, Climate modeling
Mr. Roland Hunter Technical Project Manager Uiversity of Capetown Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Stephen Njoroge Consultant, Climate, Weather and Environment AMCOMET Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Dr. Esther Munyiri Chairman, department of Tourism Management Kenyatta University Sustainable Development
Mr. Vincent de Paul Kabalisa Consultant Private consultant Climate Policy and Governance, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Green Economy, Hydrology
Dr. Robert Mbeche Lecturer and Researcher Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Sustainable Development
Ms. Penny Lesolle Researcher, Climate Change Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Technology and Innovations
Prof. FATIMA ARIB Professor University Cadi Ayyad Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Green Economy, Sustainable Development
Dr. Mark Tadross University of Cape Town (UCT), Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Ms. MAUREEN ODIWUOR Freelance Journalos Climate Reporters Communication
Mr. Mika ODIDO IOC Coordinator in Africa The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Hydrology, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Nyasimi Mary Gender and Social Inclusion CGIAR Climate Science, Gender
Mr. Eyuel Solomon Program Manager Afro FM Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Kayalethu Sotsha Senior Economist Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Economic affairs, Gender, Infrastructure, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. Tabitha Muchaba CCAFS Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Gender, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
