African Climate Change Experts

Mr. Worku Mogues Executive Director LTHE Natural Resource Management
Mr. MAMADOU BARRY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Other Adaptation / Climate resilience
Prof. AITKADI MOHAMED President of the General Council of Agricultural development Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Hydrology
Mr. kudakwashe manyanga Principal Climate Change Researcher Ministry of Environment , Water and Climate Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Information Management / Knowledge Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Kossivi ADESSOU Regional Development Coordinator of GNDR Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. Winnie Khemba Research Fellow African Centre for Technology Studies Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Gender, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Ms. Simbisai Zhanje Programme manager SouthSouthNorth Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Programme Management
Mr. mohamed boussaid senior technical advisor GIZ NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Alison Doig Head of GLobal Policy Christian Aid Energy
Mr. Anselme AMOUSSOU Secretaire Général CSI Afrique Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Natural Resource Management
Dr. SOSSOU-AGBO Anani Lazare Climate and mobility Africa University Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Dr. Daniel Kwabena Twerefou Senior Lecturer University of Ghana Economic affairs, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Urban planning
Dr. Mekonnen Bersisa Assistant professor Other Energy
Ms. SHAMISO NAJIRA DEPUTY DIRECTOR Department of Environmental Affairs Adaptation / Climate resilience
Dr. BURUHANI SALUM NYENZI MANAGING DIRECTOR Climate Consult (T) Ltd Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. Moses Michael PHIRI Environmental journalist The Nations Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Science, Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. Arthur Gar-Glahn Director Department of Meteorology Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. Joseph Kagenyi Assistant Director Meteorological Services ( Satellite Applications) Department of Environment Climate Information Services, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Energy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Meteorology, Natural Resource Management, Technology and Innovations
Other Leah Wanambwa-Naess Senior Policy Officer African Union Commission (AUC) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Mr. Apollinaire Niyirora Journalist Other Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management
Mr. CROMWEL LUKORITO LECTURER University of Nairobi Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology, Mitigation
Dr. Paul Pavelic Principal Researcher International Water Management Institute Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Hydrology
Mr. Koti Happy Khambule Senior Legal and Political advisor Other Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Emissions, Energy, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Dr. Martin Kaspar Policy Officer Climate Finance, DG CLIMA, European Commission European Commission Climate Finance
Mr. Yohannes Belete Executive Director YNCCC Technology and Innovations
Dr. Chamunogwa Nyoni Lecturer Bindura University of Science Education Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Hailu Regassa Lecturer and senior researcher Addis Ababa University (AAU) Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. AYELE KEBEDE GEBREYES PROGRAM MANAGER Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Natural Resource Management
Mr. Marcellin Habimana Climsoft Project Coordinator World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Meteorology
Prof. Mohamed Hasan researcher Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture
Mr. Ermias Alemu Demissie Research and Training Process Executive Officer Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Theodore Marguerite Principal Policy Analyst for Energy and Climate Change GOVERNMENT Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Hydrology, Meteorology, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Dr. Solomon Munyua Director IGAD center for pastoral areas and livestock development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Information Management / Knowledge Management, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Zewdu Segele Climate Modeling Expert IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) Climate modeling
Ms. IRENE OKEYO PhD student Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Green Economy
Ms. Fatoumata DIALLO Manager for sustainable land and sanitation CONAJEC Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. Margaret Koli Education Programme Associate United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Energy, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. AMA ESSEL Independent Consultant African Group of Experts and Climate Change Negotiators (AGN) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Gender, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Dr. Seydou Traore CEO; Global Development & Innovative Services Department of Water Resources Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Hydrology, Infrastructure, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mrs. Adama Fatimata Sonia Audrey BANDE Environnemental lawyer Young African lawyers Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Boujemaa Belhand AESVT Morocco Energy
Ms. EPIE NOELLA UKEH Coordinator, Men Engage Network Civil Society Gender
Mr. DIAKITE SAMBA KANI Chef de division changement climatique Environment, Forest & Climate Change Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Cyprian Okoloye Meteorologist Nigerian Meteorological Agency National Weather and Climate Research Center Climate Science, Meteorology
Prof. Sani Mashi Direcotr General/CEO National Meteorological Agency Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. TSHISHIMBI Etienne TKEB GROUPE Technology and Innovations
Mrs. Seck Amadou Journaliste A24 Media Communication
Dr. Shakirudeen Odunuga Lecturer University of Lagos Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Hydrology, Land use, Sustainable Development
Ms. REHEMA KHIMULU Consultant African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Energy, Gender, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Mr. MOHAMED NBOU Special Advisor UCLG Africa African Group of Experts and Climate Change Negotiators (AGN) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Meteorology, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Christian Brice KAMGA KAM University of Yaounde I Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Economic affairs, Gender, Green Economy, Sustainable Development
Dr. Temesgen Dobbo Youth Affairs Expert Minister of Energy & Minerals Natural Resource Management
Mrs. Piniel Wadolo Water Engineer Miistry of Water, Irregation and Electricity Hydrology
Dr. Amos Makarau Consulting Meteorologist Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Hon. Rachel Machua Resource Mobilization Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs
Ms. Kayaba Laeticia Bienvenue KABORE Coordonatrice Regionale Action Professionals Association for the People Agriculture
Mr. LADISLAUS KYARUZI HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES East African Community Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Cheikh Ahmet Tidiane DIOP Administrateur de Cabinet de Consultance Other Sustainable Development
Dr. CLOBITE BOUKA BIONA Enseignant-chercheur National Center for Research Climate modeling, Climate Research, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Meteorology, Mitigation
Ms. WIVINE NTAMUBANO Disaster Risk Reduction Technical Advisor EAC-Secretariat Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. Siham Guendouz African Youth Network for Sustainable Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Gender, Sustainable Development
Dr. Ezzat Agaiby Montreal Protocol Projects Coordinator Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Emissions, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Mitigation
Mr. EDWARD JAHAKA Director Africa Climate and Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
Mr. ALI AHMED ABANI Chief Computing and Telecommunications Department ACMAD Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Technology and Innovations
Dr. MOHAMMED BENYAKHLEF Professeur Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Climate Justice, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Dr. Athanas Ngalawa Lecturer Other Communities / Civil society, Sustainable Development
Mrs. DIOP ADAMA telly advisor Youth Womenn for Action YWA/Senegal Programme Management
Dr. Boris Odilon Kounagbè Lokonon Lecturer and researcher University of Parakou Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Mr. farid yaker programme oficer Un Environment Green Economy
Mr. Nadji TELLRO WAI vulnerabiltity and adaptation climate change,hydrology and water resources Action for Integrated and Sustainable Development Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. OUSMANE DRAME Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc. Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Gender, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Byron ANANGWE Product Development & Data Management RCMRD Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Technology and Innovations
Mrs. Gertrude Pswarayi-Jabson Country Coordinator PELUM Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Communication, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Natural Resource Management
Mr. Innocent Maloba Senior Specialist, Multilateral Affairs World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Ibrahima Aidara Economic Governance and Advancement Program Manager Open Society Initiative for Western Africa Economic affairs
Hon. Assane dit Koubou Marou Parlementaire National Assembly Agriculture
Mr. Ivan Bertrand NGOMEN BISIL Lawyer Other Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance
Mr. Brahim Bouali Technical Advisor GIZ Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Emissions, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Dr. Emmanuel Tachie-Obeng Chief Programme Officer Environment Protection Agency Adaptation / Climate resilience
Dr. Ugochukwu Okoro Academic/ Researcher Other Climate modeling, Climate Research, Energy
Dr. Ali Abdou Senion Expert in Hydroclimatology, Chief of the Information and Research Department AGRHYMET Regional Center Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Hydrology, Meteorology
Dr. Mumuni Abu Lecturer Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana Adaptation / Climate resilience, Sustainable Development, Transport and mobility
Dr. Thierry Lebel Scientific director at IRD IRD Climate Information Services, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Hydrology, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Kennedy Mbeva African Centre for Technology Studies Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Economic affairs, Emissions, Energy, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Abdou Adam Abdoul Aziz Abebe Expert in weather forecaster ASECNA Climate Information Services, Climate modeling
Mr. Adama BARRY socioéconomiste, Analyste en Développement Humain DURABLE Directorate of Development Planning, Ministry of Finance & Economic Affairs Sustainable Development
Mr. Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan Mahmoud Senior Researcher, Climate Change Coordinator Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. Nisreen Elsaim general coordnater Youth and Environment Sudan Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Science, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Energy, Gender, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Mabel Onwuemele National Cordinator African Women's Network for Community management of Forests - REFACOF Climate Finance
Dr. Belay Simane Associate professor of Environment and Agriculture Addis Ababa University (AAU) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture
Mr. Newstead Mwanza Director Other Land use
Ms. BOUTEINA BENNANI Journaliste, L’opinion Daily Africa Academy of Science (AAS) Blue economy, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Gender, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Stephan Wendt German Embassy Climate Policy and Governance
Mr. Payai manyok John Deputy Director for Climate Change & UNFCCC National Focal Point for South Sudan Ministry of Environment and Forestry ÿ Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. Shorai Kavu Principal Energy Development Officer/Engineer Ministry of Energy and Power Development Energy, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Ahmed Muhammed General Secretary?Coordinator TEDAK Fisheries Cooperative Society of Nigeria Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Ibrahima Yves Ghislain TCHOUANTE Assistant Suivi Evaluation Association S‚n‚galaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ASBEF) Programme Management
Ms. Kristen Kennedy SouthSouthNorth Information Management / Knowledge Management
Mr. Gildas Parfait DIAMONEKA WorlBank Communication Consultant for ECCAS World Bank Communication
