
ClimDev-Africa is mandated at regional meetings of African Heads of State and Government, as well as by Africa’s Ministers of Finance, Ministers of Planning and Ministers of Environment. The ACPC serves as the Secretariat for the ClimDev-Africa as well as having its own programmatic activities serving as inputs to the ClimDev-Africa Programme. Other parts of the ClimDev-Africa Programme include the ClimDev Special Fund (CDSF) being established by the AfDB, and the Climate Change and Desertification Unit (CCDU) being established by the AUC.

The ClimDev-Africa programme, and ACPC, governance structure includes:

  1. Meetings of the Chief Executives of the AUC, ECA and AfDB Final accountability for the operation of ClimDev rests with Meetings of the Chief Executives (MCEs) of the AUC, ECA and AfDB. The Chief Executives are responsible for the oversight of ClimDev-Africa Programme in accordance with the general principles of working between the three agencies, and shall seek to enable the smooth operation of the programme, but are not involved in any day to day or operational decision making. The Chief Executives shall receive the Annual Report of the operation of ClimDev-Africa (covering both activities and funding) as well as the minutes of all Steering Committee meetings.
  2. ClimDev Programme Steering Committee (CDSC) The principal oversight of ClimDev is to be provided by the ClimDev Programme Steering Committee (CDSC). The CDSC also acts as the Board to the ClimDev Special Fund which is being established. The CDSC provides the overall direction of the ClimDev-Africa programme, along the following functions: determining the general policy of the programme; approving the annual work programme and budget; and reviewing the annual report of activities.

Members of the CDSC consist of:

  • the AUC, ECA, and AfDB;
  • UNEP, UNDP, WMO, and GCOS from the UN system;
  • Regional Economic Communities (RECs);
  • Stakeholder representatives;
  • Partner donors ClimDev-Africa Programme and Governance

ClimDev-Africa Programme and Governance 

ClimDev-Africa Governance