Application for Funding Format


PART I – Applicant information and Basic data

  1. Project Title

State the title or name of the project

  1. Name and Address of Applicant's organization

State the name postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail of the Applicant organisation

  1. Institutional and Legal Status of the Applicant

Provide information on the Legal status of the Applicant (Proof of Legal Establishment/Registration, Main Function and activities, etc… The legal instrument (or other authorisations) granting the applicant the authority to mobilize and manage resources for the project should be mentioned.

  1. Names and Addresses of Co-financiers and Partners

State names and postal addresses of the Co-financiers and Partners

  1. Executing Agency (If different from Applicant)

If the recipient is different from the executing agency, the relationship between the two should be clearly shown and the capacities to undertake the respective responsibilities should be demonstrated

  1. Project funding

Total Project amount (Euro)


Project funding requested from CDSF (Euro)



  1. Project duration

Indicate project duration in months: minimum 12 months, maximum 5 years

  1. CDSF Areas of Intervention

Indicate % of project addressing the CDSF areas of interventions

Generation, wide dissemination and use of reliable and high quality climate information


Capacity enhancement of policy makers and policy support institutions through the generation of quality analysis and evidence on climate change


Implementation of pilot adaptation practices that demonstrate the value of mainstreaming climate information in development planning



  1. Geographic Scope

List region or countries in which the project will be implemented


PART II – Project Description

  1. Executive Summary


    1. Origin and context of the Project

    Give a historical background of the project, its origin and relation to previous similar projects (if any). Provide the wider context of the problem addressed:

  • Regional priorities, including priorities in PRSPs of countries included, upon which the operation has been conceived;

  • Project linkage to regional priorities, action plans and programme;

  • Key development issue(s) that the project is aiming to address;

  • Alternative development interventions or approaches being considered; and

  • Rationale for the favoured approach

  1. Problem Definition

    Define the problem which the project seeks to solve, including the evidence of the need the project will address, with references. State alternative options and courses of action that were considered and how the present option was selected.

  1. Beneficiaries and Stakeholders

    Clearly identify the beneficiaries of the project and the relationship with the prospective Recipient of the Grant. Identify key stakeholders other than direct beneficiaries. Show how their interests and concerns will be met by the project. Show if there are possible areas of conflict and how they will be addressed. Give a gender disaggregated picture of access to project benefits and show measures to ensure gender equality.

  1. THE PROJECT (max 4 pages)

    1. Project Goal and Objectives

      State the medium to long term change expected to come about as a result of this project and other projects in the impact area. Typical development changes include mproved livelihoods, reduced risk of floods and droughts, etc.

    2. Outputs

      State the direct result of completing the project and the implementation of the activities of the project. This generally represents changed behaviour of persons or objects facilitated by the project; improved performance of institutions and of infrastructure.

    3. Activities

      List the activities required to achieve the project outputs. These may include baseline studies, training, design, procurement, construction and installation, creation of institutional structures etc.

      Some activities will be directed at mitigation of risks, negative social and environmental impacts, as well as monitoring and evaluation including baseline studies and project management as well as arrangements for verification and annual audits. These activities should be clearly identified and their links to the higher objectives recognized.

    4. Risks

      Define the main risks associated with the project, considering each project output, and where possible show how these risks have been mitigated in project design.

    5. Cost and Financing plan

      Present the cost of the activities in the currency chosen by the applicant. The currency used by the CDSF is the Euro. State the proposed financing requirement from the CDSF, state the contribution of the Applicant, the Beneficiaries and other co-financiers when relevant. Provide a project budget in an annex, differentiating between CDSF costs and costs financed by co-financiers.

  2. MPLEMENTATION (max 3 pages)
    1. ecipient

      Identify the Recipient and demonstrate capacity to implement the project in terms of human, material and financial resources. For non-state actors confirm the eligibility in terms of legal status. State the Recipient's experience in the implementation of similar projects.

    2. Implementation Arrangement and Capacity

      Show the proposed organizational structure for implementation as well as arrangements for dealing with external agencies. Confirm resources and logistics in place for execution of the project.

    3. Performance Plan and monitoring

      For each result (outcomes and outputs) described in chapter 2, provide a set of critical measurable indicators, with a time phased targets.

      Present the arrangements for data collection and processing to control the indicators in the Performance and Implementation Plans.

    4. Implementation Schedule

      For each output give a schedule for attainment of activity indicators, if necessary broken down into tasks.

    5. Accounting Arrangements

      State arrangements for the financial management of the project. Provide sufficient information to permit CDSF to assess the fiduciary control environment.

  3. ROJECT BENEFITS (max 2 pages)
    1. Effectiveness and Efficiency

      Show how proposed activities and implementation arrangements are necessary and sufficient for attainment of results. Demonstrate that the project provides value for money. Where relevant, provide an economic and financial analysis of the project (for Capital Investment Projects in excess of €2million). Relate the project objectives to the focus areas of the Fund.

    2. Sustainability

      Show arrangements for financing operation and maintenance of the project facilities beyond the grant funding. Demonstrate that reliable institutional arrangements will be in place to ensure continuity of the results.

      State results of any Social and Environmental Assessments, Management and Mitigation and Monitoring Plans.


  • Project Logical Framework

  • Maps: Country/Location and Project Area

  • Terms of Reference (in case of Project preparation projects/studies)

  • Details of project costs